Annual SUPPORTER: synergy partners

The John Gnabre Science Research Institute presents “Synergy Partners,” an annual corporate membership support initiative designed to foster collaboration, drive innovation, and advance the understanding of natural synergy and the entourage effect in pharmaceutical research and development. By becoming a Synergy Partner, corporations can align themselves with cutting-edge scientific advancements and gain exclusive access to various benefits and opportunities. Here’s an overview of the program:

 Benefits and Opportunities:

    • Exclusive Networking: Synergy Partners gain access to an exclusive network of industry leaders, researchers, and professionals through dedicated events and forums.
    • Research Insights: Stay informed about the latest research findings, scientific advancements, and breakthroughs in natural synergy and the entourage effect through exclusive reports, white papers, and newsletters.
    • Brand Visibility: Synergy Partners receive prominent recognition and visibility through logo placement on our website, event materials, and publications.
    • Thought Leadership: Opportunities to contribute guest articles, interviews, or case studies in the institute’s publications and digital platforms, positioning partners as thought leaders.
    • Collaborative Research: Participate in collaborative research projects with the institute, leveraging the expertise and resources of both parties to drive innovation and scientific discovery.
    • Access to Events: Complimentary tickets and VIP access to our signature events, conferences, and seminars organized by the institute, providing networking opportunities with key stakeholders in the industry.
    • Dedicated Support: Priority access to the institute’s scientific experts and research teams for consultations, advice, and potential partnerships.
    • Recognition and Awards: Exclusive recognition and consideration for prestigious awards and accolades given by the institute for significant contributions to natural synergy and pharmaceutical research.

Membership Packages

The John Gnabre Science Research Institute offers a four-tiered annual sponsorship packages for your consideration:

Bronze Sponsorship Package:

  • Event Tickets: Two complimentary tickets to our annual gala, providing access to the exclusive event.
  • Recognition: Bronze-level acknowledgment during the events and on promotional materials.
  • Appreciation Gift: An official John Gnabre Science Research Institute t-shirt as a token of appreciation.

Silver Sponsorship Package:

  • Event Tickets: Four complimentary tickets to our annual gala
  • Golf Tournament Foursome: Entry for a team of four to participate in our annual golf tournament.
  • Recognition: Silver-level acknowledgment during the events, including mentions in speeches and programs.
  • Appreciation Gifts: Four official John Gnabre Science Research Institute t-shirts.

Gold Sponsorship Package:

  • Event Tickets: Six complimentary tickets to our gala 
  • Golf Tournament Foursome: Entry for a team of four in our annual golf tournament.
  • Recognition: Prominent gold-level acknowledgment during the events, including prominent logo placement on promotional materials.
  • Logo Visibility: The company logo is featured on our website and event signage.
  • Appreciation Gifts: Six official John Gnabre Science Research Institute t-shirts.

Platinum Sponsorship Package:

  • Event Tickets: Eight complimentary tickets to the gala in April, ensuring a significant presence at the premier event.
  • Golf Tournament Foursome: Entry for a team of four in the highly anticipated golf tournament.
  • VIP Experience: Exclusive access to a private reception with key speakers and researchers.
  • Recognition: Prominent platinum-level acknowledgment during the events, including special mentions in speeches and programs.
  • Logo Visibility: Prominent logo placement on the institute’s website, event signage, and promotional materials.
  • Appreciation Gifts: Eight official John Gnabre Science Research Institute t-shirts and additional branded merchandise.

The sponsorship packages provide a range of benefits, including event tickets for attendance, golf tournament foursomes for networking and recreation, and official t-shirts as tangible expressions of gratitude. These packages offer varying levels of recognition and visibility to acknowledge and showcase the generosity and support of the sponsors.

    Customized Sponsorship Opportunities:

        • Tailored sponsorship packages can be developed to meet specific corporate objectives, such as sponsoring individual fundraisers, research projects, events, or educational programs.
        • Sponsors can benefit from customized branding opportunities, tailored marketing campaigns, and unique collaborations.

        Annual Membership Fee Structure:

            • Membership fees are tiered based on the partnership level, with each tier offering an increasing range of benefits and opportunities.
            • The fee structure is designed to be flexible and accommodating to corporations of varying sizes and budgets.

          Partnership Renewal and Recognition

              • Synergy Partners will be able to renew their membership annually, ensuring continued involvement and support for the institute’s research initiatives.
              • Recognition will be given to long-standing partners through special acknowledgments, awards, and exclusive benefits.


            The Synergy Partners initiative offers corporations a comprehensive and mutually beneficial platform to support and engage with the John Gnabre Science Research Institute’s pioneering work in natural synergy and pharmaceutical research. By joining the program, corporations can contribute to groundbreaking discoveries, enhance their brand reputation, and gain access to a network of industry influencers and thought leaders.